3rd and 4th February 1771

[Batavia to Capetown]
3rd. Ditto weather. In the Evening found the variation to be 2 degrees 56 minutes West. Departed this life John Thurman, Sailmaker's Assistant. Wind Ditto; course South 65 degrees West; distance 128 miles; latitude 16 degrees 40 minutes South; longitude 266 degrees 16 West.

4th. A fresh Trade and hazey weather, with some Squalls, attended with Small Rain; unbent the Main Topsail to repair, and bent another. In the night died of the Flux Mr. John Bootie, Midshipman, and Mr. John Gathrey, Boatswain. Wind South-East; course South 69 degrees West; distance 141 miles; latitude 17 degrees 30 minutes South; longitude 268 degrees 32 minutes West.

Joseph Banks Journal
3rd. Some of the people who were the least affected began now to shew signs of amendment but two of the bad ones died notwithstanding.

4th. Weather fine: as no one had been taken ill since we got the trade wind we were now well convin[c]d of its salutary effects.

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